Bringer of Soaring Wind, Lachte (D-PR/214EN) [D Promo Cards]

Title: Near Mint
Sale price$12.00
Sold out


Rarity: Promo Rare
Set Name: D Promo Cards
Card Number: D-PR/214EN
Release Date: TBA
Unit: Normal
Grade: 1
Skill Icon: Boost
Nation: Keter Sanctuary
Race: Sylph
Power: 8000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: Keep flying! Higher than ever!
[AUTO] [Back Row (RC)]: At the end of your turn, if your vanguard with "Gramgrace" in its card name, [COST] [retire this unit], choose a grade 3 unit card from your soul, and put it into your hand.

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