Carrier Mecha Njord (BSS03-059) [Aquatic Invaders]

Title: Near Mint
Sale price$0.10
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Set Name: Aquatic Invaders
Card Number: BSS03-059
Release Date: 2023-10-27
Rarity: Uncommon
Card Type: Spirit
Cost: 3
Color: White
Spirit Type: Mecha
Flavor Text: The imperial army immediately came marching in. They must have anticipated the impending local opposition. —Imperial Chronicle Year 253, Page 139
[LV II] During Opponent's Turn
When your opponent's effect discards three or more cards from your deck, you may summon one of your Mecha Tokens (Token spirit/[WHITE]/0 Cost/Mecha•Token/LV1(1)/BP3000). (Token cards come from outside of the game. Place cores onto them from either your field or your reserve.)

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